business organization

business organization
business organization

business organization

Question 1 Definition of a business organization. Write down the names of the main types of ownership of the business organization.

Answer Business Organization is. defined and defined. as the efforts of an individual or several individuals to. establish and run a business by integrating resources to achieve
specific goals.

They are. called business organizations, it is the. the method used to use resources and. organizes one's business in such a way that it achieves the real goals that have. planned.

Business esteem has a solid existence of its own because. in it, individuals coordinate resources in such a way that their particular form is. formed according to which business activities continue. The main purpose of a business.

the organization is to achieve profit if the business. the organization has a public interest.

Even if it is. established, there is a certain kind of benefit in it, under which some kind of facilities are.

Forms of Business Organization According to Ownership. Business Organization since the business organization has a solid existence.

Thus, in a society, a business organization has its own legal status which is. established according to its owner. Ownership determines the form or type of organization

And on the basis of ownership, size, and method. of the. business organization are also determined and. the legal requirements of each business organization are also different in this regard.

Business ownership is. selected by taking into account certain elements or factors, thus the ownership of. the business organization plans its existence and its complete management.

The forms or types of business organization. ownership are as follows: (1) Sole proprietary business. or individual business (2) Partnership (3) Shared capital company
(5) Government Business

(b) Association of numbers or (i) sole proprietorship). A business organization in which the entire process of. owning and supervising a business is. owned by a single individual.

He is the oldest form of business in which an. individual plans to establish a single-owned business or individual business.

He makes all the decisions to run the. business himself, he chooses the appropriate place for the establishment. of the business, and takes all steps to organize the business.

And he invests in it to run it and also takes all the. steps to sell his business products in the market, so he is also entitled to the profits from the business alone.
it is. imposed.

(2) Partnership
The type of business organization ownership in which. two or more people take steps to establish and run one's. business and through an agreement called contract partnership, the nature of the business,

Rights and duties and other matters are. settled. This is. called partnership. All those involved in the partnership business
are called partners.

And they are. called firms, the number of. participants for a partnership business is at least two, and the. largest if the banking related is. done, the number of participants in it is ten.

The partnership business is. established under the. Partnership Act 1923 and all its legal matters. are also settled under this law. (3) Joint Stock Company
Omit ownership, is the type of business organization. in which many individuals or people invest them. capital in the form of shares for the sake of profit, and a large business is. done with the capital provided by these individuals. called a joint capital company. this type of business.

Very run and individuals share the profits and losses of the company based on the number of shares.

Many people in a joint capital company invest in the. business on the basis that they get a share in. profit and loss by participating on the basis of shares they have purchased.

The company has its own legal entity and its name can be. used to settle matters like a legal person. All individuals in a joint capital company who provide capital for the business are. called shareholders of the company.

And the total amount that comes from the capital of these individuals. called the capital of the company. The joint capital company is. managed by, the Board of, Directors.
(4) Co-Operative Society

Omit ownership, a business organization whose. the purpose is to provide services to its members instead of making a profit

The association is. called mutual aid, the people. who take part in this type of business organization establish and run the business.

And divide the profits earned among themselves, in this. type, of organization, people come together on the basis of mutual interest.

This type of organization is usually established by people. who are not strong and whose income is. limited or low, so they cooperate with each other.

And due to a lack of economic resources, they work for each. other's interests, it is a group of individuals who. gather their capital and efforts for the common good and work together.

And in this way, they divide the economic benefits that
are obtained among themselves.

They buy goods and services from the producers. to get rid of the profits of the middle traders. and provide the goods at cheap prices to the numbers.



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