Share in business

Share in business
Share in business


Share in business

The company has a lot of capital because the. number of its owners can be more than the number of. participants in individual businesses and partnerships.

This can be. accomplished by increasing it.

(2) Limited Liability
The liability of the company to repay the debt is. limited. Because its owners, who are. called shareholders. have their shares.

Businesses are not liable for loans. beyond the capital invested in them, thus. securing their private property.

(3) Better Management
Due to the high financial resources of the company, people of high ability are. employed in it. Their presence makes the administration good and effective.

(4) Opportunities for Workers (Opportunities for Workers)
The company has a higher growth potential. Due to this, the workers go from small posts to big too big on the basis of Ahl-e-Bayt.

(5) Certain Life
The life of the company is. ensured, the death of its owners or shareholders does not affect it. existence. of the company and it continues to live. While personal

The business or partnership ends. up with the demise of its owners, bankruptcy, or loss of honey. balance. A company can last for a long time.

Common capital company losses (Disadvantages of Joint Stock Company)
(1) High Rate of Taxes

Many types of taxes or odd-UTs etc. are. levied on the company, these faxes are not levied at a. high rate on individual businesses and partnerships.

(2) Lack of Personal Interest (Lack of Personal Interest)
The business, of, the company, is in the hands of, the directors. They operate under the .supervision. of a few directors selected by hundreds of shareholders of the company. this

Employees are less interested. in the interest of the company and the original owner's shareholders. company does not have, the right to take, part in the. business of, the company.

(3) Difficulties in Secrecy)
The company's accounting. matters i.e. accounting matters and information cannot remain confidential. because the company's accounts and balances

The sheet is. printed and distributed among hundreds of shareholders. Besides, buy its shares in public places such as Stock Akhench and sell them.

so there, is a lack of, secrecy in the company's business.
(4) Reduction in credit reputation (Lack in Credit Worthiness)

Because of the liability of the. company's owners. to repay the limited to. the shares they buy, the lending banks, and financial institutions

More provide loans to the company. because if the company loses the ability to repay the loan, they recover. their money from the owners' private property.

Can't and that's how their money sinks. This problem. does not arise in the business of personal. and partnership with the lending institution.


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