Where do business ideas come from

Where do business ideas come from
Where do business ideas come from

Where do business ideas come from?

Ideology is the creative, process of, creating, developing, and communicating new business, ideas. When we plan to start a new business, we either take advantage of the existing concept.

Or we develop our own unique idea. The same applies to growing existing businesses. I've always struggled to determine which one is difficult to find or execute the idea.

Sometimes it's easy enough to combine ideas, and. the tricky part is deciding if it's enough as a foundation. to promote a profitable business. If you have it

the. next challenge is to prove or test that it will translate into a successful project.

then there, are times when finding, a viable idea is the most difficult task. It seems like all good ideas have been. taken, and you're left on edge with the resources and desire to start or grow a business, but without a great idea. The theoretical process may take a day or it may take years,

And like the creative process, rushing it is usually unproductive. Besides other common barriers to. resources (money and people), and a lack of "good ideas" often. prevents people from pursuing the dream of becoming their own boss.

Building a new business starts with this idea. The. process of developing this idea, and your business. the concept may involve some level of testing through prototyping
and iteration.

During these early stages, your idea will evolve and. even something completely different may happen.

There are three basic categories for business. ideas, and. considering these. categories can help awaken the next great mind or confirm your present:

Now - a new invention or business idea. Examples may include Segway, virtual reality, and other product innovations.

There are very few completely new ideas. By "new" I mean something that neither exists now nor in any way in the past.

It's easy to confuse a new idea with something. that's actually an improvement or disruption to an existing one. or traditional way of doing something. new and unique ideas are hard to come by, so don't get paralyzed thinking it's the only
source of viable new ideas.

Improvement - this is a better mouse trap. Examples include outdoor express car washing (where you live in the car),

Virgin Airlines, LED lighting and Disneyland are. included. Most small businesses fall into this category. You take an existing service or product and you improve or deliver it.

For example, you. can make it better. quality raw materials or you can add extra services or add-ons to the value of a product or service.

and Amazon. Our. modern interconnected world aided and made. possible by the Internet now allows us to completely reshape, and transform. and disrupt entire industries.

The Internet and other technologies aren't the. the only way to put in place a disruptive business. the idea, but it has accelerated our ability to do so.

Where do great ideas come from? Sources of ideas include reading, podcasts, art, architecture, personal experiences,

Travel can include conversations, hobbies, and borrowing. from others, crowd creativity, crowdsourcing, and. trying to solve current problems in our world.

Yet it takes a little longer than. experiencing or reading something to awaken your next great idea.

In Belle Cooper's article "How to Create Good Ideas," Steve Jobs
is quoted as. saying that creative people are. "able to combine their experiences and organize new things."

In their observation, creative people. "have more experience or more.
experiencing new things will definitely be. influence and nurture your creativity, and it's one of them. the most productive ways we can develop. our ability to create great ideas.

does that, mean you have to, be creative to create, good business ideas? that creativity is one of, the fundamental components required for ideology,

Which includes skills and insight. But, the challenge. for many people is that they either have little. faith in their innate creativity.

or, don't have the courage to, express it and act on it. The idea creation process is. like the creative process. in that we are offering something personal to judge others.

You must have the courage and confidence. to present ideas that others think may be pointless or ridiculous.

It is worth remembering what George Bernard.
The ideal practice is to identify one or more. business, ideas, test them, and then continue, to develop the idea, that has the best chance of, success. without fail

Always remember that the actual test of. the commercial viability of an idea depends. on the customer. Also remember that if your concept was simple, it could already be. done
by someone else.

here, are some questions, to ask yourself to help you qualify your business idea:

What are the needs of, my product or service? What problem does it solve?

What are the features and benefits of my presentation?
What is my competitive advantage? What makes this idea unique in my market?

How can I test and perform this?
What resources would I need to make this idea a viable business?

Does my idea solve the problem of a billion people, or only a few?
Can I imagine implementing this concept for the next 5 to 10 years?



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