Staying in business

Staying in business
Staying in business

Staying in business

Makes policies. to give, due to which the business. develops, such a participant gets special from the profits earned from the business.
Part is. provided.

(5) Quasi-Partner
A partner in the business who leaves the business. after participating in the business but does not take back his capital but borrows it.

In the case of. staying engaged in the business, it is. called a semi-participant, such as a partner. separated from the business partnership, but the capital in the form of debt.

Because of its presence, it has a relationship with the partnership, so it is. called a semi-participant.

Profits are. paid. according to the rate.
(6) Adult Partner

A partner in a partnership business whose age is in line with the age of puberty. called an adult partner. In adult cooperative business

He handles the profits and losses, and if he wishes, he can take part in the policies of the business.

(7) Minor Partner
A partner in a partnership business who is younger than the age of puberty is. called a non-adult partner. The Law of Partnership

According to The Code of 1923, with the consent of. all adult participants in the partnership business, a minor person can also
be included in the business.

Until the participant is an adult, he has nothing to do. with the loss of the business, but he receives his share from the business profit.
it does but

After reaching the age of puberty, he shares in the profits and losses of the business.
(8) Senior Partner

Partnership A partner involved in the business. who invests a large amount of capital in the business and is from the. business age education, experience, and ability.

More knowledge and expertise related is. called a senior participant This type of partner plays an active role in. business-related decisions.

(9) Junior Partner Who Junior Partner
A partner involved in a partnership who invests a small amount of capital in the business and

Age of education, experience, and qualifications in business matters

There are fewer who are. called near partners who learn a lot from the issues in the near-partner business and over time.

Knowledge increases and it can. be useful for the business by learning a lot from such business activities.

(10) Secret Partner
A partner involved in a partnership business. who invests in the business and also plays an active. role in the activities of the partnership business, but who

The name is not disclosed as a partner in the partnership firm, the secret partner is. called the secret partner of the profit and loss in the business at the fixed rate.

Is responsible and he also receives his share from the profits made in the business in a fixed ratio.
Characteristics of General Participant Characteristics of General Partner

A variety of participants can join the business. under the partnership and adopt a variety of policies of their partnership.

But the. rules and regulations that are. usually laid down for a participant in a partnership are almost the same in nature, so



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