Starting your own business

Starting your own business
Starting your own business

Starting your own business

Nature of Production The nature of. production is also important in the selection of the business. organization, so the nature of production is well examined. before choosing the business organization.

Because some products have such types that can be. produced and sold on a small scale under individual business and can be. profited on it, while some products must a process. mutual cooperation, so partnership for this type of production
proves to be better.

But if it is. intended to produce goods on a large scale, which
are needed in every part of the country. and their demand is also in foreign markets, then the establishment. of a business is more beneficial in the form of a common capital company.

Question 3: What type of business would you like if you want to start your own business? Explain the reasons for your choice.
Answer: Participation in Business if we

If we are. given the freedom to choose the type of business
and the ownership of the business to start. our business, then first we will review the capital accumulated. with us, then consider the time of our interest considering. other resources and thus we will get this idea.

That is a sole proprietary business. started, then all the capital accumulated in it can be. used and if the business risks are high in this regard, on the basis of which it is. feared that all the capital collected will be. wasted.

So partnerships with other individuals can be. considered and choosing partners first creates. a problem because the kind of business interest that is part of our thinking may not be. agreed with by the partners.

Thus, even if the partnership business is. started, then all the accumulated capital can be. wasted if differences. arise later, so in our opinion, it would be best for us to use our capital in the joint capital company.

And for this, choose a department that is running it. business in a very organized way, so that we will have. to face the least of business risks and also get a profit on our capital.

That's how we can negotiate. We may later come to a position where some other type of business ownership is.

Reasons for Selection Since we have expressed. our participation in a business on the basis of shares in a joint. investment company to start a personal business, it is also. important to mention these reasons or reasons as well.

In view of these, the extent to which we have. chosen a common capital company business ownership is. correct, we should examine the following reasons for choosing a joint capital company.

(1) Business size (2) Limited liability (3) Transfer. of shares (4) Legal status (5) Longevity (1) Size of Business. Nishtar The size of the business is very high in the form of capital

Because the company produces a large. many goods and its scope of sales is also very wide, the business of a stable company is. run with its large size.

Thus, if the shares of a stable company are. bought in exchange for their capital, then the profit earned on these. shares will definitely be higher, and if the company for some time


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