Government Business

Government Business
government business

Government Business

A business organization that is. owned by the government of a country and is. managed by government officials elected by the government. called. a government business.

The government business is an organization in. which all the policies of business are. made by the government, these policies take care of the public interest.

And for pricing, it is. tried that the prices of goods are according to the purchasing power of the common man. Government businesses are. run under government monopoly.

Question 2: Describe the factors that. contribute to the organization's choice of business organization.

Answer: Factors or Elements To Select the Form of. a Business Organization Before. choosing any business organization, many factors or elements are.

considered and after a thorough review of these factors, it is. seen that in the presence of all the factors or elements, it. seen that in the presence of all the factors or elements, which. type of business organization will be better to choose.

For this, the business organization is. selected after considering a variety of factors, including the nature of. business capital, the management of the business, and the production. process, and the nature of business policies by

the government.

And then the business organization is. founded so that it can achieve all the objectives of the business. started from the business organization. The following are the supporting factors or factors for choosing a business organization:

(1) Nature of business (2).Presence of capital (3). Business administration (4) Business. risks (5) Legality of business (6) Government policies (7) System of taxes (8) Nature of production. (1) Nature of Business

Before the selection of any business organization, the nature of the business is. reviewed to see what type of business an individual or individual is. interested in because of its type or form. determined according to the nature of the business, for. example, if an individual wants to do the business of

selling fruits.

So he can set up this business in a shop in the form. of a person's business, but if he has to do the business of. selling it in big markets with the production in fruit gardens.

So for this, the business can be. managed under a partnership or joint capital company.

(2) Presence of Capital Requires the presence. of capital for the selection of any business organization.

Because if a person has a large capital. reserve and also has the ability to get capital from the capital market. through ordinary or public shares.

So, it is a great, opportunity for, him to start a business. in the form of a joint capital company with talented. capitalists like himself and others, if two or more people agree.

If they can do a business, they can combine theirs. capital to form a partnership firm and thus develop their business, but an. individual can do a personal business using his personal capital.

(3) Business Management Business administration. also has a very important role in the selection of the business. organization because if some individuals or even together

manage the business




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