Form of Business

Form of Business
Form of Business

Form of Business

(6) Difficulties in obtaining loans Problems in. obtaining loans) In the case of. a proprietary business individual.

Thus, his means of. obtaining loans is also limited. and besides, the amount of his property and assets to get loans is also limited, in which case the. the business has to be. expanded, then loans are. required.

Thus, if the personal business is. turned into a rocky business, then first of all, due to the large number of. participants in the business, a lot of capital is. raised and if more. capital is still needed, then all the participants can use their sources to get more loans.

(7) Lack of self-confidence: In the case. of a sole proprietary business or individual business, since the. owner of the business is the individual, this problem arises with him.

That he makes his own business decisions, but since. he does, not consult, others for his, own decisions, he fears that there may be some kind of, error in his decisions.

So there can be severe losses in the business, thus. creating a lack of self-confidence in the owner of the personnel. business, due to which sometimes he leaves important decisions.

In such a situation, if the individual business is. turned into a partnership business, then in the case of a. partnership, such experts can also join the business, who are well aware of the high level of business.

In this way, such participants make important. decisions about the business in consultation with each other, so they. can take advantage of such business opportunities and get more profits.

(8) Planning In a proprietary business or individual. business, the planning process is on a small scale because the business is. owned by the individual and he plans for the. business according to his abilities, but if a person manages the. individual business with his own hard work.

Then his business gets popular among the. public and the production process increases, in which case. the sole owner of the business cannot plan the process for the business. alone even after giving more time.

If a person's business is. converted into a shared business, then more than one partner is. added to the. business, whose presence makes the planning process easier for the business.

Question 4: What is the contract partnership? Describe the key points of the agreement partnership.
: Response Agreement Partnership Deed

A documentary proof that meets the legal. requirements of a partnership and incorporates all the. rules and regulations relating to the partnership. called a contract partnership.

Through the partnership. the agreement, all matters. related. to the nature of the partnership business, mutual. rights, duties, and obligations of the. partners. predetermined.

Contract contributions can also be. verbalized and made in writing besides contract contributions written and registered. At the time of establishing a participatory business, all participants. express their good faith and express their sincerity to the business.

Arwan consents. the business, but over time, there. is an element of changes in the thinking of the participants.

Thus, it is important. that before the establishment of a partnership business, an agreement. should be. made to establish it and continue its activities. For partnership

A contract partnership. is not very beneficial, so it is better than the agreement. shared in writing and the agreement is. signed and registered by all the participants.



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