Size of business

Size of business
Size of business

 Size of business

Problems in any business arise according to. the size of its business, small-size business problems are also. small and as the size of the business increases, the problems also increase.

The size of the business is. decided before the start of the. business and then capital supply, expenses, and educational problems
are taken into account.

Capital is fundamental to any business, so the issues related. to the availability of capital. reviewed before the start of the business so that such steps are. taken in relation to the business organization.

Those who have the capital and resources available. can be possible to profit from the business, then personal needs are. met from the profits earned, and the remaining profits are repaid.

Business can be. expanded by using it as capital, but in any. case, the problems arising from the availability of capital and lack of. capital is, taken into account. (6) Location of business

location, of Business-determining the location of, the business. is one of the most important issues for the business, so even. before the establishment of the business, a trader chooses a. suitable place for the business where there is production.

Besides the fact that the process can continue, it also reviews. the raw materials related to production, labor, and. transportation facilities, while operating the business, it is also considered. to deal with these problems and if such a place is available for the business.

Where moving the business can increase profits, the business. is immediately moved to that point.

(7) Office Organization The establishment of an. administrative mechanism to run any business before it is. established is. called an office organization, so all issues related to the office. organization to run a business, such as

Keeping a record of all buying and selling, pre-planning of. sales and purchases, and gathering information about the. the environment of competition in the markets, etc. are. reviewed from time to time so that the business

Do not face any difficulty in achieving the real objectives. There are also a variety of problems that can be. solved by using. effective planning and administrative capabilities when deciding the. stages of staffing in the office organization and the. distribution and creation of powers in different sectors.

(8) Purchasing: A business involves both buying and selling. factors, so start one's business.

Before its nature, an effective purchasing system is. established in it and all the issues related to purchases are. monitored while running the business.

So that the production process of the business is not. affected, because the procurement process related to the business has to
be done, otherwise the capital
There is loss.

(9) Planning is very important for any business. Before starting a business, planning is. done according to its nature, while. running a similar business, planning achieves the real objectives of the business.

Sometimes after determining the real objectives of the. business, problems can arise in the business that makes the business. its real objectives.

After determining, a business can be. hindered, which. deprives the business of its true objectives, so many important steps are. used while running a business to deal with these problems. (10) Legal

Legal Problems Before starting any new business, all the. legal requirements and regulations related to it. reviewed and it is also taken care of while running the business.

There should be no legal problems in meeting the. practical requirements, so rules and legal principles are. kept in mind while formulating all policies related to business.

Question 7: Describe the difference between business and business. Appreciate business and industry.

Answer: Business consists of a single individual. or group.institutions, all such economic activities, due to which goods and services

are produced according to the needs of society to gain profit. called businesses.

Business is. associated with the following factors: (a) Production. of goods or products or services (b) Distribution or sale of goods or services (c) Profit making.

Branches of Business
The ka rubber is, divided into three branches. (1) Trade or Commerce

(1) Commerce or Commerce
(2) Business
(3) Industry

All economic activities in which goods or products are. arranged from the manufacturer to the consumers. called trade or commerce.

or help to reach the common customers from their place of. birth, these are activities that start from the factory and usually. end with the wholesale shopkeeper.

From where consumers buy these items. According to. James Stephen, the combination of all such actions helps too. remove all obstacles in the exchange of goods. called, or trade.

(2) Trade: All economic activities associated with the exchange. of goods and services between producers and cleaners. called trading or buying and selling. It is the "buying and selling of goods, referred to as a trade." Commerce is a sector of commerce and does not include contributors to trade.


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