Business Objectives

Business Objectives
Business Objectives

Business Objectives

Modern Principles of Trade
2. Development in industry and commerce

When the businessman is free. from all concerns and considerations, then he will pay his full attention.

Will spend time. developing. businesses and setting up new industries to speed up economic factors.

It will help increase domestic production.

3. The habit of saving and austerity

The trend of saving and austerity is. strengthened when a person is. insured.

If he, gets it, he has to pay some, amount in the form of, installments, (premium), so he has to, pay his own,

Will try to save as much. as possible from the income so that he can pay his installment because of non-payment

In this case, there is also a risk of losing the remaining episodes.

-4 Employment generation
Insurance companies have offices. in small and big cities and thousands of its workers.

They also work on. commission as representatives. thus making it the best source of employment.
-5- Source of sponsorship

In times of trouble, the insurance company. provides life insurance to different people in society.

After death, it becomes the. the best source of support for his family.
The insurance company is also a constant.

source of support for those who get insurance, thus they can enter society.
They are. able to live. a dignified life.

6. Loan facility
Sometimes the policyholder needs money so he/she needs to pay for his insurance policy.


You can get a loan by keeping a guarantee in the bank or you can also take a loan from the same company.
7 Help in growth

In old age when human organs respond and they are able to earn
The insurance company manages the. continuous financial support of such insurers so that they

Be able to spend the remaining days of life with dignity.
Promotion of investment

The insurance company would have. deposited a good amount in the form of a premium, so this amount is different.

Shares and catchers of companies are. spent on buying, thus a considerable amount of money is. spent on defense savings transit.

Spent on buying which helps in strengthening the country's defense and in the country
There is a healthy environment for investment.

and forecasting trend

Since the element of foreclosure is dominant in all types of insurance, it is premature to insure.

There is a tendency to take preventive. measures, due to which humans reduce their risks by reducing their own types of risks.
The path to success can be. achieved and we see it in our practical life.

10 Promotion of international trade

But, domestic commercial and production activities due to insurance
also strengthened

But insurance plays an important role in. promoting external trade in particular because imports

When cars and exporters get insurance for imported and exported goods, they are. exposed to many risks.

Get rid of it, which in turn promotes international trade.


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