Participatory Business

Participatory Business
Participatory Business

Participatory Business

The characteristics of. a general or general participant involved can be. described. as follows:

(3) Provision of capital (4) Business Duties
(2) Compensation for services

If he
In Re
(1) Business Management

(8) Differences (6) Contract. partnership restrictions (7) Business calculations (5) Profit. and loss contribution
(1) Business Management

According to the Law of. Partnership, every ordinary participant involved in the partnership has the. business.

Besides giving advice about the business. can interfere with any process related. to the management of. the business, thus this characteristic of each common participant

It is possible for him to use his. abilities in business management, but if a participant wants, he can surrender. his right.

(2) Compensation for services. compensation for services)
According to. the Law of Partnership, if every common. partner involved in the partnership uses. his. abilities to run the business, then his services

is not compensated because he receives his share. from the business profit but if the issues relating to the. compensation of services in the contract partner is. settled

If done, an ordinary participant. can also receive compensation for the services he. provides for the business.

(3) Provision of Capital
According to the partnership. law, every ordinary participant involved in a partnership is. required to provide funding for the partnership business, because

The provision of capital. creates partnerships and this capital is. used in the business too. organize the partnership business.

(4) Business Duties
A partnership is a characteristic of. a common participant involved in the business. that he/she performs. all his duties related to the business in harmony, sincerity, and sincerity.

Plays because of success in a partnership. comes when each participant realizes his or her responsibilities and

Do not show any laxity in performing your business-related duties.
(5) Profit and Loss. Contribution in Profit and Loss)

A common participant is. involved in a partnership. the business has the characteristic that it contributes. to the profit and loss of the partnership business, not only the business.

Receives its share in the. profits. that the business gets from the development of. the business, but also, to make up, for the loss in the business.

In the case of this loss, sometimes he does not get any money in the form of profit.
(6) Compliance of Partnership Deed

A partnership is. the characteristic of a common. participant in the business that he is completely bound by. The contractual partnership was. made for the partnership.

And respects the rights of others. participants that. are set out by the agreement partnership, besides the contract partnership.

He tries to fulfill the obligations imposed on him.
(7) Business Accounts

According to the Law of. In partnership, every ordinary. participant has the right to check all the calculations. related to the business whenever he wants.



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