All Business Stages

All Business Stages
All Business Stages

All Business Stages

An owner is a single person and it is not possible for. a person to have all the abilities, so while running a business, somewhere.

The owner's personal ability. cannot work, so there is always a possibility. harm to the business due to someone's habitual decision.
(4) Uncertain is not the life of a single proprietary. business individual business, but there is a state of uncertainty in it.

Although the owner of the business gives a lot of. time to the business, his absence is also a natural process due to many types of compulsions in life.

Thus, if the owner of the business is absent due to. any disease or any other compulsion, then his long absence affects. the life of the business because of the whole system he has made. for the business deteriorates and this is also possible.

also breaks the whole continuity of the business, so there is an. uncertain life in the personal business.

(5) Limited Size
One disadvantage of a single proprietary. business or individual business is that businesses of limited size can be. run according to its official organization, in which all business. stages
are determined.

So that the owner of the business can watch the entire. process of the business, but if the owner of the business has. the idea of expanding the business and he divides his. business into different sectors.

for those whose distance is more than each. other, it becomes difficult for them to watch the business and. there are administrative weaknesses that harm the. business, so the individual business is of limited size.
they are.

(6) Management Problems One of the drawbacks of. a sole proprietary business or individual business. is that administrative problems in it create a variety of problems. for, the owner of, the business because the owner of the business is. concerned with all matters.

The duties of the community have to be. performed by themselves, which include. business buying,

production, marketing and selling methods, etc., and the owner of the. business cannot handle all these matters at the same time. because, due to, lack of, time, he is not able to pay full attention to everything.

Due to this many types of administrative problems arise, which affect business activities. (7) Government. Facilities: One disadvantage of a sole proprietary business. or personal business is that it does not receive any concessions from
the government.

The government provides a variety of incentives to large-scale organized businesses which are. run through regular. registration to meet the needs of the country and to. promote trade by utilizing the country's resources.

which include tax concessions and other facilities but no such
Convenience is not provided for the person.
(8) Risk of damage (Risk of Loss)

One of the drawbacks of a sole proprietary business or. individual business is that there is always a risk of loss in it. because its turnover depends on the individual, so its long absence can harm the business.

wrong policies of the owner harm the business, besides. these, if there is any kind of administrative. weakness in the business, then there is a risk of loss in the business.



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