Business person and a

Business person and a
Business person and a

Business person and a

Successful Trader
It is the quality of him that he does not shy away from hard work, he is punctual and is.

interested, in doing all the things related to business, and in this regard he does not do any kind of hard, work.

Seeing his hard work, other people who are. involved with him also work hard, which paves the way for the development of ka,

(3) Common Sense: A successful businessman or. the entrepreneur always works with general intelligence, he uses his experience. and education in making, decisions related to, business and people's

develops, business-keeping trends and business objectives. in mind, due to which the business expands and achieves success. (4)

A successful businessman or entrepreneur always. demonstrates business ability, and he learns a lot from his experiences. while in business and then takes advantage of those experiences and. uses his business abilities to open new avenues for the development of the business.

(5) Strong Will Power A trader or entrepreneur has strong. willpower, he reviews all aspects of any decision before making it, but when making a decision

If he takes it, he is. prepared to put in place this decision and. then tries to run the business according to his decision and his. strong willpower is a guarantee of success in the business.

(6) Power of Decision A businessman has the power of. decision, he does not make his decision in any kind of situation, but also. in adverse circumstances.

The one who leads to success is always accustomed to it. making decisions, on time, which is why he takes full advantage of the opportunities, which is, why,

It promotes the business. (7) High Morality is a good person. or a high character, he meets all the affairs of the business with his. good conduct and high character,

which is why the people working with him are. impressed by his good conduct and those dealing with him are also satisfied with him.

The high character of such a business person is the guarantee of the scope of his business. (8) Creative Trend: A good entrepreneur. who owns a creative reputation, he always tries to keep the. business going according to the changing circumstances.

Keeps a close eye on trends, business competitiveness, and. every aspect related to the business and compares them, and. chooses a method for its business that can help to make the business ordered.

(9) Calm and serious) A successful businessman or businessman. has the characteristic that he is always serious and calm, and is aware. of the ups and downs in the business and is not disheartened by it. any problem arising in the business, but every matter.

I stay calm thus helping him make the right decision. (10) Ability. of Leadership A successful businessman or entrepreneur has the leadership ability of others.

That is why he can manage the business very with. cooperation of others, his determination, courage, news, and courage lead to. the guidance of others.

He is capable of recognizing people, which is why he can. distribute work among individuals very.

Question 9: What do you mean by trade partners? Write about each one.

Answer: Aids to Trade Assistants
All the factors that help in transporting goods from. the manufacturers to the consumers. called auxiliary. trade, these factors neither contribute to the buying of goods nor help. in the sale of goods.

Rather, they help with buying and selling. The trades are as follows: (2) Advertising
(1) Insurance
(3) Storage
(4), means of transport (5) means of Communication (6) banking and finance (7) Trade medium (8) e-Commerce
(1), Insurance

Business trade faces risks because, in case. of theft, riots, fires, and natural disasters, manufactured products can be. damaged, so insurance of goods in trade can avoid these risks.

Help is because insurance companies pay for the loss in case. of an accident, but for this, insurance companies charge a certain amount, which is. called prem. Insurance of goods and goods in trade is a protective measure that

Provides financial security to trade. (2) Advertising
The goods and services that are, produced in trade are, made by the people.

Advertising is. used to make it popular, attractive advertisements related to products and services. presented. in newspapers, magazines, radio, television,

and cable, tv. networks, which are popular with the public and due to them the production is, presented to the public.

Popularity is. gained and people are. inclined to buy these items, which increases the demand for goods and services, due to. profits also increase.

(3) Warehousing is an essential process to meet the demand. the market in trade, which is of great importance in. trade, so to meet the demand of the market in the trade process,

The storage of products is very important, so keeping in view. the future needs and keeping in mind the weather conditions and. other socio-political conditions,

businessmen store them. products and when there is demand, the stored goods are. created.



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