A businessman

A businessman
A businessman

A businessman

All trade-related activities are. aimed at exchanging goods and services between the producer and the consumer.

Types of Trade are the following types of trading or buying and selling. (1) Domestic or Internal Trade
(2) Foreign Trade (1) Domestic or Internal Trade

Such a trade in which goods and services are. exchanged. within the country's borders, it is also called domestic or internal trade, in which goods are. exchanged within the boundaries of one country. There are the following types of domestic or indoor home par.
(1) Wholesale

(ii) Retailing
(i) Wholesale Trade

A trade in which a trader buys goods and services on a large. scale from producers and then sells them to small traders. called wholesale, in which goods are.

(ii) Retailing: A trade in which the process of buying and selling goods is. done on a small scale and shopkeepers i.e. small. traders buy products from wholesalers and sell them to ordinary consumers. called retail selling.

(2) Foreign Trade: A trade in which one country's goods and services are, sold to traders of other countries. called foreign trade, it is also called foreign trade or foreign trade. There are the following types of exotic pars:

(i) Export trade
(ii) Import trade
(i) Export Trade
A foreign product in which products or services produced in one country are. sold to merchants in other countries
It's called export trade.

(ii) Import Trade
A foreign trade in which goods and services manufactured in other countries are. purchased is, called import trade.

All activities associated with the birth of goods and services
are called industries, changing the form of raw materials in the industry to such a form.
Its usefulness increases that is, molded

In this way, the services are, organized in a special way so that the public can enjoy them. Agriculture, mining, fishing, and manufacturing are examples of industry.

Types of Industry
There are two types of industry: (1) Early industry
(2) Secondary Industry
(1) Primary Industry

All activities that are. related to the acquisition of raw produce
are called elementary industries. In the early industry, no goods
are produced by themselves, but raw materials are. obtained by utilizing natural resources through a specific process. Agriculture, Mining, Fisheries, Forestry, and Non-Timber Industry
There are examples.

(2) Secondary Industry All activities that change the difficulty of. raw materials to make more useful or useful goods. called secondary industry.

For example, wheat is the production of the primary. industry, but with the help of it, the production of double bread is. counted in the secondary industry.

Question 3: Describe the qualities or characteristics of a good. and successful businessman or entrepreneur in 2007
Answer: Qualities of a successful businessman or businessman

A businessman has certain characteristics that create the skills. on the basis of which he can organize the business and by. developing it, he not only gets benefits for himself but also provides. benefits to society. The attributes of the person are as follows:

(3) General Intelligence (4) Entrepreneurial Ability: (5). Strong Willpower (1) Self-Confidence (2) Hard Work Creative. Tendency (9) Serious and Calm (10) Leadership Ability (6) Decision Power (7) High Role

Self-confidence is the basic characteristic of a. successful businessman or businessman because self-confidence helps in making decisions.

Due to confidence, a student has full confidence in his. abilities, so he takes full advantage of the opportunities and after. reviewing all the circumstances, it is important for the time being.
Decides the steps that lead to the growth of the business.



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